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Farm Happenings at Ridge to Reef Farm
Weathering the storms of the season
We hope all our members and friends fared well in Dorian. We are still on for this weekend's CSA as we have a lot to share. We are feeling thankful for the rains and the crops (and weeds) are drinking it up with joy.
Fingers were crossed about our greenhouse in the storm that shifted towards1 read more »
Two Sisters
Dear CSA members,
We are excited this week to feature cucumbers for the first time this season. It makes a great companion crop for corn, as its leaves fan out and block weeds and it absorbs different nutrients from the soil profile. The picture this week is in one of our living terrac1 read more »
Two Sisters
Dear CSA members,
We are excited this week to feature cucumbers for the first time this season. It makes a great companion crop for corn, as its leaves fan out and block weeds and it absorbs different nutrients from the soil profile. The picture this week is in one of our living terrace1 read more »
Aloha Old Friends
Dear Farm Members,
It's been a long road of recovery from Hurricane Maria and we are now seeing some of our favorite fruits like Duncan mangoes and several cherry types fruiting strongly again since pre-hurricane days. It's driven us to focus more on cleaning1 read more »
The bounty is upon us! More weeks to be added:)
Hello Farm Share members,
We are coming with another bounty of fruits and vegetables this week for you. In fact, the crops have been looking so good we are going to add an additional 5 weeks to the summertime CSA! You don't have to take any action to continue and you can opt out any ti1 read more »