Farm Happenings at Ridge to Reef Farm
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Posted on July 19th, 2022 by Elizabeth Gallo

Well, after getting the much needed rain over the past couple weeks, here at the farm we have been going hog wild trying to get ahead of the weeds that are currently thriving. Although the rain has brought many blessings, such as invigorated crop growth, less irrigation duties, and very happy fruit trees...Yayyy! Fruit season is finally almost here!!!  But with all these wonderful things that the rain brings, it also brings with it, the mass germination of dormant weed seeds. Which on an organic farm, means a lot of time and effort put into eliminating that weed pressure so that our crops can thrive. The rain has also allowed the grass to thrive, which after getting the weeds under control, we will use the hay made from the grass to heavily mulch in our gardens, and keep those weeds from returning so quickly. That being said, its all just part of the cycle of life here on the farm.....I hope you all enjoy the rest of your week, and look forward to seeing you Saturday for box pick up.