Farm Happenings at Hoot Owl Farm
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CSA Week #6 - Pick Up

Posted on June 21st, 2024 by Bonnie and Rudy Geber

We are really enjoying seeing so many of the awesome salads that folks are making this season. If you've got one for the books, be sure to take a quick pic and email or post to FB. Tis the season of the salad, and sometimes all it takes is a little inspiration to come up with a great one for dinner. The pic above is from our crew voted best salad from last week - nicely done Ronda Young! 

We've just finished picking the garlic scapes, so we anticipate that we'll have them for 2 weeks, but then that's it, they're gone! So be sure to grab some scapes while you can to tide you over until garlic season. Another crop that we have now, but won't for very long is cabbage. Next week will be the end of our Spring brassica block, so stock up on green cabbage now because our Fall brassicas are a long ways out. Our favorite way to enjoy cabbage in the summer is grilled (and if you're Bonnie, then you'll need to add some balsamic glaze!). Sliced cabbage 'steaks' are super easy to prepare and cook on the grill which is so often in use during the summer anyway -- cabbage steaks recipe

See you at pick up!

Cheers, Rudy & Bonnie