Farm Happenings at Hoot Owl Farm
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CSA Week #7 - Pick Up

Posted on June 28th, 2024 by Bonnie and Rudy Geber

We don't have a lot of 4th of July decor to offer, but we did hit our mark of having 'Fireworks' carrots by Independence Day. You'll start seeing 'rainbow' carrots as an option in your boxes now that the first batch has come to maturity. YES! We will be at the market tomorrow, 3-6:30. YES! If needed, we'll be at the farm on Friday and boxes can also be picked up there. Several of you have let us know that you'll be picking up at the farm on Friday rather than at your normal market spot. It's too late for your reminder email to be changed, but rest assured that if you let us know, then we'll have your share where you requested. The CSA boxes will be packed up for market by 10am tomorrow morning, so if you'd like us to leave your share at the farm, please let us know before then. 

A request for pick ups at the market, if at all possible, please pick up during market hours 3-6:30. We don't mind handing out shares early, but we are sticklers for not starting selling at the market before 3 and it can be confusing to other customers to see people leaving with bags of produce. We've made a conscious decision to wait until the market starts to begin selling our produce. First, because it allows us to get fully set up. But also because we often have a limited number of certain crops when they're first coming on and it wouldn't be fair to advertise that we'll have those available and then be out of them before the market even starts. We know that this can be annoying sometimes, when the timing isn't right for someone to visit the market, but we're confident that it would be MORE annoying for MORE people if we scrapped this custom. So if you're able to, we'd appreciate it if pick ups could be during the market hours to avoid confusion with any customers that we're refusing to sell to early - lol!!

It's looking like a heat wave is coming straight for us. We'll be doing our best to keep our crops cool, our transplants watered, and ourselves fully hydrated for the next week. Enjoy this holiday weekend, and we look forward to seeing you at pick up!

Cheers, Bonnie & Rudy