Farm Happenings at Hoot Owl Farm
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Farm Stand Week #21 - Pick Up

Posted on October 4th, 2024 by Bonnie and Rudy Geber

Remember to swing by your pick up spot this week to grab your box! We're looking forward to our two events this week...

1) Pop-Up produce stand tomorrow at the Antler's 4Bs parking lot, 3-5:30

2) Troy's Fall Bounty Market, Friday 2:30-5:30

We still have a lot of great produce and we love that there are opportunities to put it out there even after the main market season has ended. Thank you to The Antler's for the space and to the Troy Farmers Market for welcoming us to their event (we do love the Troy market, it was the first one we ever attended after all...).

Lots of action at the farm as we harvested some of the final crops from the field this week (last of the carrots). We're also prepping beds for garlic planting, and cracking the garlic heads into cloves in advance so we're ready to plant when the soil is. 

We had a fantastic time last week at our Stock-Up Sale & Pumpkin-Palooza! This event was such a success, we will certainly be repeating it in the future and will be thinking over the winter on some improvements.

A word of warning, we're going to wait to put out our Harvest Estimate until the weekend (instead of the typical Friday afternoon), that way we can be sure of our produce availability once the Bounty Market has completed. We look forward to seeing you at pick up!

Cheers, Bonnie & Rudy

Pic above: Mark, Barry, Sam and Rudy enjoying a cup of Camp Creek Coffee's pumpkin spice coffee the morning of the Palooza.