Farm Happenings at Millsap Farms
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Farm Happenings for June 25, 2024

Posted on June 21st, 2024 by Kimberly Decker

Greetings from the first full day of summer!!!  It's been a very summery week, with rapid growth of the tomatoes, eggplant, and other heat lovers.

Today I wanted to share with you what it means to us to have CSA members.  When you join our CSA, you are voting, with your dollars, for a different kind of food system than the mainstream food industry.  Instead of thousands of acres, with poisons sprayed across the fields, and endless streams of nameless workers, you are supporting a community of folks who work in beautiful organic fields, just outside of your hometown, harvesting your vegetables daily with laughter and joy. 

Instead of monocrop fields tilled until the life in the soil gives up, and starts to flow down stream into the rivers, you are voting for vibrant soil, which supports a diverse landscape with space for vegetables, flowers, wild creatures, pollinators, and puppies. 

On your farm, you are supporting the next generation learning how to carry this work forward into the next 50 years, when they will tend the land, fix the machines, and build the future. By learning to do this on a sustainable farm, they have a foundation in stewardship, and an eye toward how to create beauty and bounty.  They are learning how to solve problems, big and small, by finding the next step forward, one day at a time. 

This is a place where everyone can contribute, no matter their size, shape, gender, or age.  This is a place where hard work is rewarded by good food, beautiful landscapes, and loving community.  

So thank you! Thank you for supporting a little more peace in the world, for helping us work toward a future where everyone has a place they are loved and appreciated, everyone has good work to do, and the ground under our feet is alive with bounty and beauty. 

If you know others who would like to be a part of this farm, please spread the word; our supply of vegetables and flowers is far outstripping our demand this year, and we have plenty of space in our CSA for more members.  So send them this newsletter, or a picture of the bounty on your kitchen counter, or share a fresh-cooked meal with them and tell them the story of where your food comes from, along with this address, where they can sign up for a share.

And come see us.  Come work alongside us, or just come take a walk on the farm and enjoy the life in the fields and the peace on the land. 


Farmer Curtis, Sarah, Kimby and the rest of the family and crew.