Farm Happenings at Millsap Farms
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We want more members!!! for July 2, 2024

Posted on June 28th, 2024 by Kimberly Decker

Hello from the farm!  Things are rocking along out here, we have been harvesting onions, carrots, tomatoes, eggplant, salad turnips, and so much else. It's been a great week, with a couple of super hot days, but plenty of much cooler cloudy weather which has made things much easier, and kept us from melting into puddles... 

We also had a little time to visit with old friends, and it was great to catch up a bit with our former apprentice Jennae, who has started her own farm in Topeka. 

We had a great time with our CSA work crew this past Saturday, harvesting turnips, carrots, and onions.  If you haven't signed up for your workshare this season, we'd love to have your help on the farm, sign up here for a workshift, and stay for lunch, it's always amazing.

Peaches are back, so be sure to put some in your share if you want them.  

Finally, we could really use about 50 more members.  We have about 170 members this season, and the numbers work much better at 220.  We planted plenty, and have plenty of variety to support a larger membership, but we simply don't have the signups.  If you know someone who would enjoy the CSA as much as you do, please send them a link to our website;, and encourage them to check us out.  

Meanwhile, have a great weekend, enjoy the swimming weather, and we'll see you on Tuesday. 

