Farm Happenings at Millsap Farms
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Farm Happenings for August 13, 2024

Posted on August 9th, 2024 by Curtis Millsap

This time of year we have our feet in two seasons; on the one hand, we are still busy harvesting summer veggies like Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Eggplant, Bell Peppers, etc., but we are also steadily planting more fall crops like beets, carrots, spinach, lettuce, cabbages, kale, etc.  It's an exciting time as we start to feel a little of the change in the air,  and in the view of the fields, as we establish beds of bright greens, deep reds, and tiny baby carrot tops.   I hope if you pick up at the farm, you'll take the opportunity to walk or drive the loop of our driveway to see all the beds being refreshed and starting to grow a fall bounty.  

Meanwhile, if you are still planning to come out to the farm to fulfill your work requirement, please sign up here; We've got some wonderful farm-working weather happening, and would love to have your help getting all these fall plantings off to a good start. If you planned to work, but are now realizing that might not work for you, the workshare buyout option is $100, to help us hire labor to keep up with the garden.  You can send us a check, or pay through Harvie, or just let me know, and I can add it too your share. 

Also, if you are a home delivery member, please remember to put your old totes out for our delivery drivers to pickup, we are starting to get a little light on totes, and could really use all we can get. 

