Farm Happenings at Millsap Farms
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Wind on the farm!

Posted on December 2nd, 2019 by Kimberly Decker

Whew! that was windy!

We had some extreme wind this weekend, starting Friday night and going through Sunday.  We often get wind, as we are on top of a hill, and we have learned to deal with it pretty well, but this wind did create a casualty; our new spinach tunnel, built last month, blew over!  Here's the picture I took Saturday, of the beautiful spinach in it's house:

And here's a picture taken 4 hours later, from the exact same spot!

(note the greenhouse remainders laying out flat on the garden on the right side of the picture.)  

It was a bit of a setback, but just part of living with weather and growing in the winter...  hopefully we'll be able to salvage most of the materials and get it rebuilt on Wednesday.  Meanwhile, we've got some lovely weather for spinach outside, so that's good.  Hope you're enjoying your fall veggies, and as always, thanks for being part of the farm. 
