Happy Wednesday from the farm crew!
This week we have been busy battling some pest issues over here on the farm and coming up with new ways of keeping our crops safe. Some mice have decided that some of the seedlings in our potting shed are their new favorite snack, so we have been getting creative with ways to keep our young plants safe. After losing some lettuce and cucumber seedlings to mice and birds earlier in the week, we have made a new space in our community center for certain seedlings in order to prevent more losses. Pictured above is some newly germinated bok choy enjoying its new home!
Other than combatting pests, we have kept busy planting our recently turned over terrace field with plenty of carrots, arugula, nasturtium and zucchini. We can't wait for these new crops to pop up but in the meantime we are enjoying a bounty of cucumbers, turnips, carrots and lots of herbs! Pea shoots are back this week available in half pint containers and they make an excellent addition to your salads, sandwiches, soups and anything in between. We hope everyone has a blessed week and we can't wait to see you all on Saturday!
Elizabeth and the farm crew