This year we had the best garlic harvest our farm has ever seen. The bulbs are huge and the waste was lest than in years past. So what do you know about garlic, other than it’s easier to spoon it out of a jar than peel those papery skins off? I recently learned that in WWII the Soviet government used “Russian Penicillin” (Garlic) after they ran out of Penicillin. So does it work? Absolutely! Studies show that it significantly reduces the risk of the common cold as well as cancer. When looking at the nutrition facts of steamed, sautéed, roasted, capsules or raw it is no surprise that the natural form is by far the best! Here is a shocking statistic, it can take up to 27 capsules to equal the nutritional potency of 1/2 a clove of fresh crushed garlic. We have found that if you crush a clove into your food it enhances the flavor, and the good news is we have never noticed body or breath odor from eating it this way. Farmer John loves to have a piece of toast with olive oil and crushed garlic on it, add a sprinkle of salt and its even more delicious! Do your body a favor and add 1 clove of crushed garlic to your diet today! There is no doubt on our minds that the corona virus does not like garlic either!