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Farm Happenings at Bountiful Blessings Farm
GF Bread Order - 4/24/22
This week we are offering our full line of GF products so take a look and share this link with friends who are looking for nutritious & delicious gluten free bread! read more »
Good news...Bad news - 4/24/22
When people say, "I have good news and bad news" which do you want to hear first? I am a bad news person...give me the bad news first. So, here is the bad news from the farm. We tried something new this year and planted some of our early crops next to the tomato plants. Well, the tomato1 read more »
The Power of Wind!
Do a google search for how to determine the power of wind and you will find all kinds of formulas and scientific answers. While that is interesting and may lead you to some correct answers there is nothing like personal experience. Our crew was outside when the strong winds hit our farm1 read more »
Farm Happenings for April 12, 2022
The bakery is back in production and we are excited about the upcoming season! This is the first of weekly Farm Stand offers. In the future I am sure there will be produce but for now it will just be eggs and bread. Pick up will be at Sevier Park (12South farmers Market) bet1 read more »
Relentless - 4/10/22
Meet this years farm crew! (Front Row:Kendra, Mercy, Pam, John, Emily & Brianna Back row: Isaiah, Caleb & Joshua - of course Joshua & Kelli are fully on board with us but they are home tending the farm). We have been on a week long trip which included 2 farm tours, and a con1 read more »