Farm Happenings at Bountiful Blessings Farm
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Farm Happenings at Bountiful Blessings Farm

Customized Boxes Made Easy

Posted on July 28th, 2019
Many of you have wondered if the customized boxes have added a lot of work for us and the answer is NO.  Here is how it works.  Joshua makes a list of the produce that will be available this week.  When we send the email this morning it will automatically customize your boxes based o1 read more »

Farm Happenings for July 25, 2019

Posted on July 23rd, 2019
What a blessing the change of weather is!  This morning John was looking at the long range forecast and there are no 90 deg. days!  For a farmer this is good news!!  The humidity is down, the sky is beautiful, the birds are singing and I'm anxious to get away from my desk and go pick1 read more »

Farm Happenings for July 23, 2019

Posted on July 19th, 2019
Happy week from the busy, distracted farmers wife!!  My reminder went of this morning to send the email out but I got busy canning peaches, making a birthday lunch for my sweet hubby, and had all the kids here this evening.  As Joshua left the house he said, "Did you send out the email Mo1 read more »

Farm Happenings for July 16 & 18, 2019

Posted on July 16th, 2019
Summer is really here – corn, tomatoes, green beens & okra! While you are enjoying the summer crops we are already planning and planting for the fall/winter.  Planning ahead is a key element in farming because the Fall harvest depends on the Summer plantings.  We are looking at1 read more »

Farm Happenings for July 16 & 18, 2019

Posted on July 14th, 2019
Summer is really here – corn, tomatoes, green beens & okra! While you are enjoying the summer crops we are already planning and planting for the fall/winter.  Planning ahead is a key element in farming because the Fall harvest depends on the Summer plantings.  We are looking at1 read more »

FAMILY! - Farm Happenings for July 11, 2019

Posted on July 9th, 2019
Dear CSA family,   We had the most wonderful week in Florida.  It was an amazing family time, something we had never done for such an extended time.  It was such a blessing to be together and build tighter bonds, stronger commitments, and renewed determination to stay in better conta1 read more »


Posted on July 7th, 2019
Dear CSA family, Now we are on our way home from our week in Florida.  It was an amazing week with all the family.  It was amazing and we built tighter bonds and made stronger commitments to get together more often. Mom and Dad reveled in having all their family around them.  It was1 read more »