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Farm Happenings at Bountiful Blessings Farm
Tour of Sonlit Meadow Farm
I trust by now all of you know that we run a teaching farm and that each summer we have a new batch of interns. We have several goals for our time together and one is to tour a number of different farms, one being our friends at Sonlit Meadows Farm. We arrived on a Friday afternoon and enjoyed look1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 20, 2023
I trust by now all of you know that we run a teaching farm and that each summer we have a new batch of interns. We have several goals for our time together and one is to tour a number of different farms, one being our friends at Sonlit Meadows Farm. We arrived on a Friday afternoon and enjoyed look1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 15, 2023
Hi friends! No farm happening today, BUT a happy announcement that for the first time in a few years, we have listed fresh farm FLOWERS for you to add to your CSA share this week! Choose from lovely large mixed bouquets, or a straight bundle of lovely snapdragon blooms. These wont be available for1 read more »
Goodbyes are Hard!
Good byes are always hard for me, and this morning (6.4.23) we had a really hard one. Kendra arrived on our farm in March of 2020, just before Covid hit. That was one of the most difficult and yet best summers on the farm (Difficult due to destructive weather and the overflow at the pon1 read more »