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Farm Happenings at Bountiful Blessings Farm
Sonlight Meadow Farm (7/26/20)
We had a great weekend visiting Sonlight Meadow Farm in Iron City, TN. The Chiljian family have a very inspiring small operation. Their ingenuity and creativity were a real inspiration to us. We are standing in front of their sweet potato patch which we rescued from the weeds - ma1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 21, 2020
The summer heat is on and we just want to retreat to the comforts of air-conditioning. But, as farmers this just isn’t an option. If we didn’t get out there in this heat you would have nothing to eat, but lest you feel sorry for us let me say that we could it not only a privilege1 read more »
Flash Flood (July 12, 2020)
“Caleb, Caleb, wake up, I need you to get up quick!” I wondered if I was dreaming; but, the alarm in my Dad’s voice made me realize it wasn’t a dream. “Wake up, we’ve had a flash flood and I’m afraid the pump has washed away.” Fu1 read more »
Health-Giving Garlic! (July 5, 2020)
This year we had the best garlic harvest our farm has ever seen. The bulbs are huge and the waste was lest than in years past. So what do you know about garlic, other than it’s easier to spoon it out of a jar than peel those papery skins off? I recently learned that in WWII1 read more »