This morning dawned cool and crisp. I had one thing on my mind, the Smith family was coming to help us weed the blueberries! Earlier this summer we bartered tomatoes for a day of weeding. You see we seem to have a repeating challenge with our blueberry patch and by the end of the summer they are usually engulfed in weeds - very disheartening. I had high hopes of the before and after picture we would have. We weeded until 1:30PM and 5 of our 8 rows were weed free. We had a leisurely lunch but then hurried to go visit some friends of ours. We wanted the interns to see their simple lifestyle (in a yurt), as well as their large family garden. We had a wonderful time with them. The guys helped work in the garden while we ladies harvested and froze peppers.
We got home at 9PM (Sunday evening) and upon checking my email I heard from a confused customer who was asking if they were getting a CSA box on Tuesday - they hadn't received the weekly email!! Uugh!!!! How could both Joshua and I forget?! Well, we did! So sorry to the TuesdayCSA family who lost precious hours of your customization period; you Thursday CSA members never suffer from our forgetfulness :)