Farm Happenings at Bountiful Blessings Farm
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Buffalo River Reward!

Posted on June 29th, 2024 by Pam Dysinger

4th of July Week! ALL DELIVERIES WILL BE ON TUESDAY! If you are a Thursday customer you will be picking up at your same place same time but on Tuesday. Also you will notice that the window for making changes to your box is only until tonight. 


Every Spring at the end of the strawberry season we take our interns for a fun day on the Buffalo River.  This is our way of saying thanks for pushing through, thanks for all those hours on your hands and knees picking strawberries, thanks for the long evenings of vegetable harvest, simply, thanks for all your hard work.  So, we took them on the river and a great time was had by all. It's 10 miles of paddling, with a lunch stop and lots of cliff jumping and rope swinging along the way! This trip felt like we had come full circle. Why? On our first trip down the Buffalo river in 1995 I was pregnant with Joshua. The next year we took him on the river, much to the dismay of the owners, he was only 6 months old.  Well, this year Joshua and Kelli were with us and Amber who is almost 9 months old had her first trip down the Buffalo river.  She did great and  I believe the owners of the canoe rental company were pleased to see the next generation starting young and enjoying the river.  But, here is the crazy thing, we are still picking strawberries!!  It's the end of June / first of July and we are still picking a few flats of strawberries for farmer's market sales.  This was our 26th strawberry crop and our best ever!!  We are praising the Lord for giving us a bountiful crop!!