Farm Happenings at Bountiful Blessings Farm
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All in a Day's work...

Posted on May 26th, 2019 by Pam Dysinger

I've tried the list making idea, and it really does motivate me.  I've tried daily scheduling, which I enjoy and sometimes works. I've tried different days for different tasks, I like that too, and at times I find it helpful. But, what really works for me is being willing to lay down any list, schedule or task I have assigned for that day to a bigger plan than my own.  It happened that way this morning…already late.


I just sat down to get this email sent out when John came up and told me that one of our longtime, faithful customers, who is also a neighbor, was here to get berries and had brought a friend she wanted me to meet.  I'll be honest there was a bit of a Uugh in my heart, and some thoughts like, "I'm already late in getting this email out”…but I knew in my heart it was the right thing to do. I walked out onto the barn porch and was met by my wonderful neighbor and a beautiful young friend.  Towards what I though was the end of a wonderful conversation she mentioned that she had recently completed treatments for breast cancer and was cancer free.  That plunged us into another long conversation about her journey, lessons learned, and the losses we have suffered and the victories won in our family related to breast cancer (John’s sister and my sister-in-law).  The lessons learned through the lenses of “trial” are so sweet!  My neighbor asked me to pray for her friend — what a sweet request. We parted with hugs and I headed back to my work with a lighter more happy heart.  As I starting in I reflected on the reality that I left my computer feeling interrupted, but came returned having made a new friend and knowing what I would say is “Happening” on the farm. 


Have a great week!