Farm Happenings at Millsap Farms
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Farm Happenings for September 17, 2024

Posted on September 13th, 2024 by Kimberly Decker

What a delightful second week of September; we're still pretty dry, but the cooler weather has been great for the broccoli, cabbages, and cauliflower.  The tomatoes are slowing down, but the lettuce we planted two weeks ago is loving the temperatures.  Like everything, it's a give and take. 

I returned from a trip out to the east coast last week, sailing, sightseeing, and mostly accompanying my daughter Sophia on a senior-year adventure.  We sailed from Portland Maine to New York City, and then spent three days exploring the city, riding bikes, touring museums, visiting the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, and generally having a great time exploring the Big Apple.  

And of course, because we are farmers, we also visited a fabulous farm; Frith Farm in Scarborough Maine, and came away with several great ideas to adopt here on the farm, including ways to give apprentices and interns more ownership in the daily operation of the farm, ways to organize our tangled mess of weed control tarps, and even some ideas about hiring a chef to prepare some of our farm lunches!  

It was a remarkable trip, and I came home rejuvenated, energized, and with new enthusiasm; it's been a good summer, and I'm really looking forward to having an even more productive fall.  

I hope your week is full of pleasant surprises, and that you are enjoying the unseasonably cool weather; we will almost certainly have a few more sweaty days before autumn really settles in, but it's nice to have this for now. 

Thank you for choosing us to be your farmers, 

Curtis and the Crew at Millsap Farms