The first delivery is finally here!
We're thrilled with what we have to offer you this week and we hope you fill your box with your favorite goodies. We've never had so many tomatoes this early, and we have a few brand new crops to offer you that we've never grown before: celery and komatsuna (an Asian stir fry vegetable that is sweet and tender like spinach with a crunchy stem)!
Our hard working crew consisting of Katherine and Spencer (owners) and field hands Rose, Cori and Nicole have been working to grow this produce for you since the new year, and as always we are pushing the boundary of earliness for fresh produce in North Idaho!
Things to remember:
- Pick up time at Evans Brothers on Wednesday is 4:30-6:00pm.
- Pick up time at Annie's Orchard on Wednesday is 2:30-6:30pm.
- Pick up time at the Long Shot on Saturday is 9:00-11:00am.
- Pick up time at Annie's Orchard on Saturday is 8:00-noon.
- You're welcome to take your CropBox home, but we really need it back the next week in order to keep our operation running smoothly!
Enjoy your produce and we'll see you later in the week.
-Katherine, Spencer and baby June