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Farm Happenings at Moose Meadow Farm
A little tomato background
As you might have noticed, our tomatoes are stellar performers right now! We are very proud of them, as it takes a lot of work and planning to have ripe tomatoes in North Idaho in early June (we picked the first ones on June 1). Here's a little info on varieties, and how we achieve earl1 read more »
Thanks for Understanding!
As we enter our 6th week of CSA distribution, we are feeling like our systems are running quite well and we're in the swing of picking, packing and delivering. However, with 80 boxes each week to pack, over 20 items to mix and match in each box, and last minute exchanges to take into account,1 read more »
Time to Plant for Fall
On the farm this week, we've been starting our fall plantings! Mid-June through early July is the window for getting most of our fall-maturing crops seeded or in the ground, to ensure that we'll have food all fall and winter long. In the picture, Michelle is marking the spacing for seed1 read more »
The Truth About Cucumbers
Annie's Orchard pick up members: PLEASE NOTE depending on the weather each week, we will either deliver your boxes to the front of the coffee stand under the overhang (in case of rain) or behind the black storage shed (where it's shady). We need to stay out of the way of the coffee stand oper1 read more »
The Truth About Cucumbers
Did you know that cucumbers are one of the most finicky crops that we grow? It's true! We usually have cucumbers for sale by the last week in May, but this year, we're about three weeks behind that norm. Don't worry though, as shown in the photo, it won't be long!
Cucumbers can wi1 read more »
What's Coming Up
PLEASE NOTE: We found a black-with-turquoise insulated cooler bag labeled "KeepCool" at the Long Shot after delivery on Saturday. If this is your bag, please let us know and we'll get it back to you! Thanks.
With warm weather on the horizon, our crops are starting to grow quickly! 1 read more »