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Farm Happenings at Moose Meadow Farm
Week 5! CSA box value increases.
Welcome to Week 5!
You will notice that your box value has increased this week, and will stay this way until the end of the season (15 more weeks). We still don't have tomatoes, but they're coming along nicely and will be here soon!
This week we started to raise the frame on a new empl1 read more »
Welcome to Week 4!
This week we introduce a few new crops: fennel, peonies, garlic scapes, summer squash and new potatoes! We have a limited amount of each this week, so if you don't see them in your box and they aren't available in customization, they will be in the weeks to come!
Our family took our an1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 15, 2022
Welcome to Week 3!
PLEASE NOTE: If you pick up at Evans Brothers on Wednesday afternoon, we politely request that you not arrive before 4:30 so we have time to set up. Thank you!
We have cucumbers this week! As well as an assortment of flowers, including sunflowers. Sugar S1 read more »
Welcome to Week 2!
Welcome to Week 2!
PLEASE NOTE: We would like to request that you transfer your produce into your own bag when you come to pick up each week. We are running short on CropBoxes, and the manufacturer doesn't make them anymore. This is different than in years past, but if possi1 read more »