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Farm Happenings at Moose Meadow Farm
Week 14 Update!
Welcome to Week 14!
The cool weekend weather is a welcome break for us, but the heat loving crops couldn't care less; they're unstoppable! We're quite proud of our giant, fully colored, shiny north Idaho bells! They'll be around for another month of so, so enjoy them while they're here1 read more »
Welcome to Week 13!
As you can see from the picture, we have some delicious cucumbers right now and they're in abundance! If you like to make pickles, now is the time to order a load of them and preserve them for winter. You might not know that any cucumber makes a good pickle! E1 read more »
Week 12: Fall Crop Update (It's looking good!)
Welcome to Week 12!
Now that it finally looks like summer on the farm, we are of course tending to our fall and winter crops so there's no break in the food production on Moose Meadow Farm! As farmers, we always have to think about and prepare for at least one whole season ahead. 1 read more »
Week 11: Eggplant! Peppers! Tomatoes! Oh my!
Welcome to Week 11!
The fruits of summer are truly upon us, as we have our full suite of "hot crops" to offer you this week: eggplant, bell peppers, snacking peppers, hot peppers, heirloom tomatoes, red tomatoes, paste tomatoes and cherry tomatoes! We also have an abundance of basil an1 read more »