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Farm Happenings at Moose Meadow Farm
Loads of Fresh Greens Available!
Welcome to Farm Stand!
If you are new to Farm Stand, welcome! We have an abundance of fresh greens that we'd like to share with you all. Arugula, baby mustards, spinach and spring mix are all available, as well as our whole suite of microgreens and shoots: microgreens mix, arugul1 read more »
How we "put the farm to bed"
Welcome to Week 4!
This has been a momentous week for us. We have finished harvesting ALL of our storage root crops, and they are cured, cleaned and in their final storage locations. You will now see carrots available! We also planted garlic and flower bulbs. The rest1 read more »
What does Fall look like on the farm?
Welcome to Week 3!
What does fall look like on the farm? It looks like a transition. We're transitioning from harvesting summer hot crops and outdoor field crops to storage crops and high tunnel crops. We're transitioning from short sleeved shirts and ball caps to mu1 read more »
Our Farm Turns FIVE!
Welcome to Week 2!
This is a momentous week for us because our farm is turning FIVE! We started selling food on October 10 of 2016 and haven’t looked back since. Some of you have been with us since then and some of you have been with us for a week. In either case, we count you as a tre1 read more »
First Fall CSA delivery!
Welcome to Week 1!
To introduce ourselves, we’re Katherine and Spencer Nietmann and we’ve been running Moose Meadow Farm since 2016 on Spencer’s family’s land in Clark Fork. We had a baby daughter, June, in January 2021 and she now participates in all of our far1 read more »