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Farm Happenings at Moose Meadow Farm
Week 3: New Potatoes!
Welcome to Week 3!
We are excited to start pulling our new potatoes, which are Dark Red Norland grown in an unheated high tunnel. We pre-sprout them in our warm greenhouse then put them in the ground around the first week of March. It's a long wait, but worth it! Growing th1 read more »
What's Coming
I sincerely hope you enjoyed your first week of produce! On our end, the deliveries went smoothly all around, so thanks for doing your part!
Ezra seems to think it useful to take a hammer everywhere he goes...
We are having a bit of a cool May, at least compared to last year, and the crops a1 read more »
Welcome to the First Delivery!
Welcome to Week 1!
We are so happy to finally share some of the beautiful, delicious produce we've been working for months to cultivate for you. You will find baby carrots on offer, as well as cauliflower, broccolini, cucumbers, some cherry tomatoes, flowers...it's an impressive list!&1 read more »
Welcome to the First Delivery!
Welcome to Week 1!
We are so happy to finally share some of the beautiful, delicious produce we've been working for months to cultivate for you. You will find baby carrots on offer, as well as cauliflower, broccolini, cucumbers, some cherry tomatoes, flowers...it's an impressive list!&1 read more »