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Farm Happenings at Moose Meadow Farm
Week 10 Update
Welcome to Week 10!
For most farms in the North, this time of year is all about harvesting. The crops that were planted in April and May are coming to fruition and it is the farmer's job to keep up with it all. The same is true on our farm, however we have the added c1 read more »
Week 9 Update
Welcome to Week 9! This is the halfway point in the season.
Spencer's arm is healing quickly - thanks for all the well-wishes! He's able to do some packing and deliver produce (as you know if you've seen him at Evans Brothers on Wednesdays), in addition to directing the day-to-da1 read more »
July Challenges
Week 8 Update!
We rarely write about our farming challenges or how hard it can be to grow beautiful food, preferring to focus on the positive side of farming and bring a dose of uplifting news to you each week. However it would be remiss not to let you all know that Spencer broke his a1 read more »
Week 7 Update - Garlic Harvest
Greetings from high July!
This week and next are all about the garlic harvest. We are all working hard to pull it from the field and cure it for long term storage so we'll all have delicious garlic from now until late winter. We're growing two varieties: Music and Che1 read more »
Week 6 Update!
Welcome to Week 6 of the CSA!
Last week was a doozy on us in Clark Fork. The hottest temperature was Wednesday, 107F! We also experienced our warmest night since living in North Idaho (5 years)...75F on Tuesday night. Our family and crew made it though by starting work at 61 read more »