Farm Happenings at Moose Meadow Farm
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What's Coming

Posted on May 24th, 2024 by Katherine Nietmann

I sincerely hope you enjoyed your first week of produce!  On our end, the deliveries went smoothly all around, so thanks for doing your part!

Ezra seems to think it useful to take a hammer everywhere he goes...

We are having a bit of a cool May, at least compared to last year, and the crops are showing it.  We had a warmer March and April than in recent years, and our early tunnel crops showed it!  We don't usually have broccolini and cauliflower as early as we did this year.  Our tomatoes are ripening steadily, but we don't have as many cherry tomatoes right now as we hoped.  Part of that is due to the weather (grey days slow down growth but our heaters negate any cool temps), and part of that is because we were unable to source bumblebees to help pollinate our early tomatoes this year.  Bummer!  When we have them, they really pull their weight in making bigger, earlier, more uniform fruits.

June finds it useful to always wear her helmet, just in case she needs to do some bike riding.

We do have cherry tomatoes right now though!  We also have spectacular lettuce heads, celery, beet bunches and herbs (basil is here!).  New potatoes are a week out, and we will have fresh white bunching onions next week as well.


Spencer enjoys a quiet moment pruning tomatoes.

Please reach out if you have any questions or issues.  In gratitude,

Katherine and Spencer