Farm Happenings at Moose Meadow Farm
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Gorgeous Flowers and Summer Squash!

Posted on June 7th, 2024 by Katherine Nietmann

***We are hiring a delivery driver!  $19/hour Wednesdays and Saturdays.  This position is to fill in when our other driver is unavailable.  Perfect for someone on summer break or who is semi-retired!  Email us directly if you are interested or know someone who might be.  Thank you!***


Welcome to Week 4!


Our early spring flowers (stock and calendula) are at their peak right now, we have a lot of them, and we've reduced the price!  $10/bunch.  We also have the first summer squash of the season!  It is all green zucchini this year, after hearing from many of you that the green zucchini is what you prefer.  Also new this week is Swiss chard!

The results of the cool May we had are showing in our fruiting crops, namely tomatoes and cucumbers.  We have them on offer, but not as many as we would like.  After a weekend of warmth, we will have more to offer in the coming weeks.  Same with carrots: the carrots we're harvesting right now come from an unheated high tunnel and were seeded February 1.  Our outdoor carrots, seeded April 4, are usually right on the heels of the high tunnel carrots, but instead they are weeks behind.  In order to offer carrots every week, we are limiting the carrots we have right now.  We even seeded an "emergency" bed of carrots this week to make sure everyone gets their fill (pictured)!


We heard a lot of positive feedback about our fresh bunched onions - thanks!  We have lots so keep enjoying them and try new things with them!


Katherine, Spencer and Crew