Our bunches are huge and the fresh produce is all harvested the Tuesday before you pick up. Your produce will last in your fridge for at least a week!
Bok choi: $5.40/bunch
Komatsuna: $5.40/bunch
Tatsoi: $5.40/bunch
Chard: $6.00/bunch
Spinach: $6.05/5oz bag
Lettuce heads (huge!): $4.75/head
Fennel: $5.85/bunch
Jalapeños: $3.00/pint
Kohlrabi: $5.85/bunch
Beets: $5.00/bunch
Celery: $6.00/bunch
Kale: $5.85/bunch
Radishes: $5.85/bunch
Microgreens Mix: $5.55/2.5oz container
Broccoli Microgreens:$5.55/2.5oz container
Parsley: $4.80/bunch
Pea Shoots: $4.80/2.0oz container
Carrots: $6.00/bunch
Sunflower Shoots: $5.55/2.5oz container
All Red Potatoes: $8.45/2lbs
Yukon Gold Potatos: $8.45/2lbs
Tender Earth Bread: $11.15/loaf