Farm Happenings at Ridge to Reef Farm
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Hot and Dry

Posted on July 6th, 2021 by Elizabeth Gallo

Hot and dry have been the themes of the week so far as we are working hard on keeping our crops happy and healthy. Many of our crops that have been bursting with fruit the past few weeks have begun to slow down without the additional assistance of rain. That being said, we still have a great variety of crops available this week; some things that I'm particularly excited about are our next round of nasturtium that has just started flowering, an abundance of cucumber, and the sweetest carambola (aka starfruit) that exists on island (I may be slightly biased but this stuff truly is the bees knees). 

We plan on having lots of cucumber this summer and last week we just installed our latest trellis line and planted a next succession of cukes. Cucumber is one of our favorite crops to have in abundance when it's extra hot out, the crew has been really into making lots of cucumber water, which is the best thing to have available when we return from a long hot day in the fields. 

As a side note I wanted to reach out to see if anyone who has boxes laying around from previous weeks would be able to bring them back this week since we are running a little low and still waiting for our shipment to arrive. Just bring them along with you when you come to pick up your box and we'll be happy to take them off your hands! We look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday and hope you have a great week. 


Elizabeth and the Farm Crew