Welcome to Week 3!
PLEASE NOTE: If you pick up at Evans Brothers on Wednesday afternoon, we politely request that you not arrive before 4:30 so we have time to set up. Thank you!
We have cucumbers this week! As well as an assortment of flowers, including sunflowers. Sugar Snap Peas are coming on, and you will find them available this week but in higher quantities in the weeks to come! We are very careful when picking peas to select only the fattest, sweetest pods. Each crunchy bite is sweet, juicy and uniquely vegetal as only peas can be.
Behind-the-scenes: If you've been following along, you're probably picking up on the challenges we're facing this year in terms of crop losses and cool, wet weather. Another challenge that is new to us this year, but not unique to us or our industry by any means, is an extreme labor shortage! We had a crew assembled last minute that we were thrilled about for our summer months, but one of our crew members just left on very short notice, so we are once again scrambling during our busy season. IF YOU OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW IS INTERESTED IN WORKING WITH US, PLEASE LET US KNOW! Our need will be greatest mid-August through mid-November but continued winter employment is available for the right person.
Enjoy the produce, thank you so much for your support, and if we haven't met you yet, please say "Hi" over email!
Katherine and Spencer