Farm Happenings at Moose Meadow Farm
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A Day On The Farm

Posted on September 2nd, 2023 by Katherine Nietmann

Have you ever wondered what exactly we do all day?  Here's a rough schedule of a typical Monday!


  • 6:30am work starts, crew of 2 arrives.
  • 6:30-9:00 seed microgreens (2 people)
  • 6:30-9:00 transplant spring mix with the paper pot transplanter (1 person)
  • 9:00-noon pick crops that we pick regardless of orders: tomatoes, broccolini, cauliflower, beans, peppers, cucumbers and squash (3 people)
  • 12:30-3:00 bed prep for direct seedings or transplanting, seed or transplant as much as possible until the end of the day (for example, lettuce heads, bok choi, broccolini, arugula, spinach or radishes) (3 people)

We run a pretty tight ship and keep to a strict schedule so that we can preserve our family's and our crew's free time.  We very rarely run past the 8 hour mark and have minimal work on the weekends (mainly watering and occaisional seeding). It keeps smiles on our faces and keeps the job sustainable for everyone involved!


This week you'll find spinach back on offer, as well as the fall favorite leeks.  Be sure to sample them as well as our beautiful spaghetti squash before they're gone!

Here is our partial crew of Spencer, June, Nicole and Bergen transplanting our winter kale.

Nothing beats arugula seeded in late summer! 


Have a great week and enjoy the produce!

Katherine, Spencer and crew